Foreign Policy & National Security


Romney, Colleagues Urge Education Committee Chairman to Hold Hearing on Antisemitism on College Campuses

Senator Romney joined Senator Cassidy (R-LA), Ranking Member of the Senate Health, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee, and several of his Republican HELP colleagues in urging Senator Sanders, HELP Committee Chairman, to hold a hearing to ensure the Administration is upholding its legal responsibility to protect Jewish students from anti-Semitic harassment and attacks on college campuses in the aftermath of the Hamas-led terrorist attacks against Israel earlier this month.

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Romney Presses DHS Secretary on Border Security & Questions FBI Director on Rise of Antisemitic Violence

At the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee’s annual “Threats to the Homeland” hearing today, Senator Romney pressed DHS Secretary Mayorkas on the Administration’s continued failure to secure the southern border and questioned FBI Director Christopher Wray about increased threats and violence against religious groups—particularly against Jews and Muslims.

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Romney Applauds Federal Investment in Utah’s Critical Minerals Manufacturing

Senator Romney applauded an announcement by the U.S. Economic Development Administration that it would invest in Utah’s critical mineral production and manufacturing industry. The announcement comes after Romney advocated on behalf of the Intermountain Critical Materials Consortium, a collaborative group of industry partners led by the Utah Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Initiative, which is developing a regional strategy to advance the production and manufacturing of critical minerals needed for clean energy technologies, many of which lack any domestic production presence.

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Romney: “It is Unacceptable for Hamas to Continue to Exist”

Senator Romney spoke at the Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on former Treasury Secretary Jack Lew’s nomination for U.S. Ambassador to Israel. Last weekend, Senator Romney joined a bipartisan delegation of senators on an official visit to Israel following the unconscionable terrorist attacks by Hamas on Israeli civilians.

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Romney Visits Israel to Affirm U.S. Support

Senator Romney joined a bipartisan delegation of senators on an official visit to Israel this weekend following the unconscionable terrorist attacks by Hamas on Israeli civilians. The delegation met with top Israeli government officials and spent time with families of American-Israeli hostages held by Hamas.

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Romney, Ricketts, Colleagues Introduce Bill to Strengthen Oversight of U.S.-China Science and Technology Agreements

Senator Romney joined his colleagues in introducing the Science and Technology Agreement Enhanced Congressional Notification Act. The bill would strengthen oversight of science and technology agreements (STAs) between the U.S. and the People’s Republic of China (PRC) by requiring the Secretary of State to provide comprehensive details to Congress about any new, renewed, or extended agreement and establishing a minimum 30-day Congressional review period. This transparency and accountability provision includes thorough national security risk assessments, human rights considerations, and consistent monitoring mechanisms.

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Romney Leads Senate Hearing on Addressing Potential Threats Posed by AI, Quantum Computing, and Other Emerging Technology

Senator Romney, Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs (HSGAC) Emerging Threats and Spending Oversight Subcommittee, today led a bipartisan hearing with Senator Hassan (D-NH), Subcommittee Chair, to examine how advanced technologies—such as artificial intelligence, quantum computing, and bioengineering—may pose risks to national security.

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