
Romney Statement on Government Funding Bill

WASHINGTON—U.S. Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) today released the following statement on the Further Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2024, which passed by a vote of 74-24:

“While it’s far from perfect, I voted for this appropriations bill because it provides critical funding for our military and for border security at a time of serious national security challenges. The bill is also good for Utah—containing measures that will reduce passport backlogs and support priorities for Hill Air Force Base like the F-35 program and the Sentinel program.

“Notably, this bill reduces non-defense spending for the first time in nearly a decade, but unfortunately this spending cut will have little effect on our fiscal situation. Our country’s overspending problems will continue as long as Congress only votes on one-third of federal spending. We must come together to address the main drivers of our national debt and bring our books into balance. I will continue to work with Senator Manchin and others on the Fiscal Stability Act to force Congress to act.”