
Senate Passes Resolution Renaming VA Outstation After Major Brent Taylor

WASHINGTON—The United States Senate agreed unanimously to rename the North Ogden Department of Veterans Affairs Outstation the Major Brent Taylor Vet Center Outstation Tuesday. Major Brent Taylor was the Mayor of North Ogden when he made the ultimate sacrifice on November 3, 2018 while deployed in Afghanistan. Rep. Rob Bishop (R-UT) has introduced companion legislation in the House.

“Major Taylor represented the very best of Utah and our nation, and we are heartbroken by his loss. Renaming the Ogden veterans’ center in his honor will serve as an enduring reminder of a patriot, loving family man, and beloved community leader who made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation,” said Sen. Romney.

“In every aspect of his life, Major Taylor was a shining example of patriotism, sacrifice, and service,” Sen. Lee said on the floor of the United Senate while securing unanimous consent for the resolution’s passage. “It is only right that we honor his extraordinary life. And to that end, it would only be a fitting tribute to rename the Ogden veterans’ center as the ‘Major Brent Taylor Vet Center Outstation.’”

From the floor of the US House, Bishop said, “Brent Taylor lived an exemplary life. My heart will forever break for the loss of such a giant, but I will take comfort knowing that example he set in life, will long endure.” Bishop added, “The naming of a building will never repay the debt our nation owes Mayor Taylor or his family, but it can stand as a humble reminder of the citizen soldier who lost his life in the service of others.”

Mrs. Jennie Taylor, the widow of Major Taylor, was in Washington as a guest of Rep. Rob Bishop (R-UT) for the State of the Union when the resolution passed.