
Romney Urges President Biden to Implement Grand China Strategy

Biden to meet with Xi Jinping today during the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit

WASHINGTON—Ahead of President Biden’s meeting with Xi Jinping during the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit today, U.S. Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) urged the President to implement his legislation to develop a grand strategy to counter China, which was signed into law as a part of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2022:

“It has been nearly two years since my legislation requiring the Biden Administration to develop a comprehensive strategy to address the threat of an emerging China was signed into law, yet all that has been outlined are aspirational principles. Principles alone will not address the magnitude and scale of the threat posed by China. The United States is in dire need of a grand strategy which addresses our approach to developing countries, global trade, economic measures, research and development investments, military procurement, and more. The Administration must deliver this strategy—as mandated by law—without delay.

“The Biden Administration must also be clear-eyed in its understanding of China’s nefarious economic intentions and prioritize U.S. national security over dialogues that are unlikely to yield tangible results. Our government cannot continue to chase China with offers of concessions without concrete action from the Chinese Communist Party, especially in instances where they have no interest in making meaningful changes to their own behavior in the first place. Right now, there is a global battle between authoritarianism and democracy, and it is my hope that President Biden will send a clear message to Xi Jinping that China cannot continue its campaign against the U.S. and our allies with impunity.”