
Romney, Rosen, Colleagues Introduce Bipartisan Resolution Demanding Safe Release of Hostages from Hamas

Comes after the Senators returned from a bipartisan trip to Israel, where they met with families of hostages taken by Hamas

WASHINGTON—U.S. Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) today joined his colleagues, led by Jacky Rosen (D-NV), in introducing a bipartisan resolution condemning Hamas’s brutal terrorist attacks on Israel and demanding that Hamas release all hostages and allow for their safe return home. Joining Senators Romney and Rosen in introducing the resolution include Senators Todd Young (R-IN), Cory Booker (D-NJ), Marco Rubio (R-FL), Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Ben Cardin (D-MD), Bill Cassidy (R-LA), and Tammy Duckworth (D-IL). Senators Romney, Rosen, and Cassidy recently returned from a bipartisan delegation to Israel, where they met with Israeli leaders and families of those taken hostage. 

“Meeting with the families of hostages during my trip to Israel is something I will never forget, and my heart aches over the horrors they have experienced at the hands of Hamas terrorists,” said Senator Romney. “I’m proud to join my friend Senator Rosen in introducing this resolution to condemn Hamas and call on them to release all hostages. We also urge the United States to work with our friends and allies to ensure that everyone taken hostage is returned to their loved ones.”

“In Israel, our bipartisan delegation met with the family members of those who were abducted by Hamas. As the only Jewish mother serving in the Senate, these conversations were gut-wrenching, and I promised them I’d lead the efforts to ensure these hostages were returned safely to their families,” said Senator Rosen. “This bipartisan resolution cements our support for the Israeli people, strongly condemns the atrocities carried out by Hamas, and demands the immediate release of the hundreds of hostages, including Americans, being held by this terrorist organization. The Senate must use its voice to call for the swift release of these innocent people.”

“As part of its terrorist attacks on Israel, Hamas took hostage innocent Americans and Israelis, including children and the elderly,” said Senator Young. “We strongly condemn these barbaric actions and call on Hamas to immediately and unconditionally free all hostages. The world must join together and pressure Hamas terrorists to release these innocent civilians.”

“Hamas must immediately and unconditionally release all hostages, including American citizens,” said Senator Booker. “The United States must continue working with our Israeli and regional partners and offer whatever support necessary to get these hostages safely out of harm’s way.”

“Following the barbaric attacks of terrorism by Iran-backed Hamas in Israel, this bipartisan resolution sends a clear message of our support to our most important ally in the Middle East and to the Americans who are currently held captive in Gaza,” said Senator Rubio. “We have a moral duty to ensure these hostages return home, to deter future hostage-taking, and not reward Iran’s international support of terrorism by releasing billions of dollars to them.”

“Hamas’ abduction of 199 innocent civilians – including American citizens, Israeli children, and Holocaust survivors – was an act of pure evil,” said Chairman Cardin. “Their safe return is my paramount concern, and we are engaged with our regional partners to press Hamas for their immediate release and return to safety. 

“The most powerful meeting we had in Israel was talking with the families of hostages being held by Hamas,” said Dr. Cassidy. “Those being held hostage, and their families, need our support now more than ever. American and Israeli families are hurting.”

“No innocent civilian—not Israelis, not Palestinians, not Illinoisans, not anyone—deserves to suffer the violence, terrorism, hate and abject heartbreak that too many human souls have faced since last Saturday’s Hamas terrorist attacks,” said Senator Duckworth. “Our bipartisan resolution today sends a message to all hostages—and all families experiencing the agony of having to wonder about the safety and wellbeing of their loved ones—that the United States sees them and is with them. There is never any excuse for terrorism and Hamas must immediately allow those in need of urgent medical care to receive it. I will continue doing everything in my power to ensure the safe release of those being held in Gaza so they can be reunited with their loved ones.”

The text of the resolution can be found here.