
Romney Joins Senate Republican Colleagues in Standing with Israel, Condemning Iran-backed Hamas

WASHINGTON—One year since the October 7 terrorist attacks that killed dozens of Americans, U.S. Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) joined every Senate Republican, led by Senator Joni Ernst (R-IA), in fully condemning Iran-backed Hamas for its actions, supporting Israel’s right to self-defense, and calling for the safe release of the remaining American hostages.

The entire Senate Republican Conference stands united in opposing violent antisemitic protests and Iran-backed Hamas’ use of rape as a weapon of war. They also reiterate Israel’s right to defend itself and emphasize the importance of denying Hamas the ability to reconstitute in the region to ensure the horrific events of that day are never repeated. Text of the resolution can be found here.

“One year ago today, we witnessed the horrific, inhumane, and depraved terrorist acts perpetuated by Hamas against the people of Israel,” said Senator Romney. “I continue to stand with Israel and pray for the safe return of hostages and for the Israeli soldiers defending their country. I also pray for an end to the rampant antisemitism we are witnessing in our own country and across the world. Hamas’ reign of terror must end.”

“This time last year, I woke up in the Middle East to the unbearable news that Israel was under attack by Iran-backed terrorists and Americans were being killed and taken hostage,” said Senator Ernst. “I immediately traveled into Israel to show that our nation’s friendship is unwavering, in good times and bad. Regardless of whether I have been in Jerusalem, Washington, or Iowa, I have worked around the clock to hold the White House accountable to its ‘ironclad’ commitment, bring our hostages home, and cut off the source of terrorism in Tehran. One year since that day, as Israel remains under attack on all fronts, Senate Republicans stand united with our greatest ally in the Middle East.”

“The United States stands with Israel, on this solemn anniversary and every day, as it defends itself against terrorist entities that seek to undermine peace and stability in the region. We must be unwavering in our support for our great friend and ally,” said Senate Republican Whip Thune.

“The world watched in horror a year ago as Hamas slaughtered innocent men, women and children in Israel. Our nation must provide unwavering support to Israel’s mission to defend itself and defeat Hamas. We must unite and bring back peace through strength. Our resolution underscores how now more than ever, the American people need to stand with our ally Israel,” said Senate Republican Conference Chair Barrasso.

“Today, people across the world are remembering those lives lost and the hostages who remain in captivity in Gaza. Unfortunately, a year later, Iran-backed groups continue to threaten the safety and security of the Israeli people. Hamas continues to hold innocent hostages in Gaza, while the Houthis in Yemen and Hezbollah in Lebanon fire rockets and missiles towards Israel. The United States can and should continue to do all it can to support our ally Israel and hold Iran and its proxies accountable for their brutal attacks. This resolution is an important message to the people of Israel that we remain committed to defending them,” said Senate Foreign Relations Committee Ranking Member Risch.

“Hamas and its Iranian sponsors are intent on nothing less than the destruction of the Jewish state. On this anniversary, we remember the victims, demand freedom for the remaining hostages, and declare our strong and abiding support for our Israeli partners to ensure that these terrorist regimes are relegated to the dustbin of history,” said Senate Armed Services Committee Ranking Member Wicker.