
Romney: We do well in a world where there is freedom and democracy

Senator Romney joined ABC4 Utah’s Inside Utah Politics with Brian McElhatten to raise the importance of American leadership in global affairs—including providing support to Ukraine and competing strategically with China. Senator Romney argued that providing military aid to Ukraine is in the United States’ best interest because it will help deter Russia from invading other countries, including NATO members, which could draw the U.S. into greater conflict. The interview concluded with the Senator’s efforts to push federal agencies to take greater action to understand and contain the outbreak of the bird flu virus (H5N1).

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It’s time federal agency employees come back into the office.

In just over a decade, cuts to Social Security and Medicare benefits will happen automatically—and the longer we wait to fix these programs, the worse it will get. This week, Senator Romney renewed calls for bipartisan action on the country’s wilting entitlement programs—including his legislation to create a bipartisan fiscal commission to tackle the burgeoning national debt before it’s too late. He also introduced bills to require federal employees to return to in-person work and to improve U.S. coordination with our allies in the wake of China’s increased aggression, and met with several groups from Utah to discuss important priorities for our state.

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Romney, Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Halt U.S. Funding to UN if Palestinian Authority Receives More Privileges

Senator Romney, member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee (SFRC), joined SFRC Ranking Member Jim Risch (R-ID) and 23 Senate colleagues in introducing the No Official Palestine Entry (NOPE) Act, legislation to update existing law to ensure U.S. assistance does not go to entities that give additional rights and privileges to the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO).

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Advancing key priorities for Utah and the country.

Countering the China threat, tackling the national debt, and mitigating wildfires have been among Senator Romney’s top priorities since the beginning of his Senate term. This week, Senator Romney continued to advance these efforts. He led a hearing on U.S. policy in Taiwan and China’s ambitions in the Indo-Pacific, was recognized for his efforts to lower the public debt and stabilize the nation’s finances, and met with fire chiefs from Utah as he works to craft modernized wildfire legislation. He also pressed federal agencies on their inaction to understand and contain the recent outbreak of the bird flu virus.

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Romney Calls for Action to Stop Rapid Spread of Bird Flu Virus

Senator Romney, member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee, sent a letter to FDA Commissioner Robert Califf, USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack, and CDC Director Mandy Cohen raising concern with the agencies’ inaction to understand and contain the outbreak of the bird flu virus (H5N1)—especially given the lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic and recent baby formula shortage.

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Romney Leads Senate Hearing Regarding U.S. Policy on Taiwan

Senator Romney, Ranking Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on East Asia, the Pacific, and International Cybersecurity Policy led a hearing regarding U.S. policy on Taiwan. Romney argued that it is in the United States’ interest to support Taiwan in the face of China’s growing aggression in the Indo-Pacific.

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