
Russia’s war crimes in Ukraine are abominable.

Senator Romney led a bipartisan group of his colleagues in negotiating a COVID-19 preparedness bill that repurposes unused pandemic relief funds and wouldn’t cost the American taxpayer a single additional dollar. Ultimately, this bipartisan COVID bill was hampered by Senate Democrat leadership who refused to allow for any type of amendment process.

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Romney Announces Deal on COVID Funding

Senator Romney announced an agreement on a deal to provide $10 billion in funding for urgent COVID needs and therapeutics by repurposing unspent COVID funds primarily from the Democrats’ American Rescue Plan.

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We must get our federal debt under control.

Senator Romney led the Republican effort in the Senate in negotiating a bipartisan COVID-19 preparedness bill that doesn’t increase the debt by repurposing unspent COVID relief funds. Amid the negotiations, Senator Romney warned the Biden Administration of the imminent damage to the economy by ignoring the increasing deficit.

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Romney: We Will Be in a Heap of Trouble if We Don’t Tackle the National Debt

During a Budget Committee hearing on President Biden’s $5.8 trillion Fiscal Year 2023 budget, Senator Romney raised the urgent need to tackle our long-term deficits. Using examples of collapsed economies around the world, like Greece and Italy, Romney warned of economic calamities that the U.S. would face if Washington continues to ignore its out-of-control spending.

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