

Ukraine can and must win.

Senator Romney continued his push to increase support to the Ukrainian people by providing the advanced weaponry that President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has been requesting from the United States and its allies. Meanwhile, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee for her nomination hearing to serve on the Supreme Court.

We have a responsibility to defend freedom.

Senator Romney continued to urge Administration officials to step up support for Ukraine’s efforts to defend their freedom and their sovereignty—including the urgent transfer of aircraft, such as MiG-29s, and air defense systems to Ukraine.

We must get aircraft to Ukraine immediately.

Senator Romney continued to press the Administration to fulfill President Zelenskyy’s request—leading 41 of his Senate colleagues in urging President Biden to expedite the transfer of aircraft to Ukraine without further delay. He also spoke out against the Administration’s consideration of purchasing oil from adversarial nations like Venezuela and Iran before bolstering America’s own energy production.

May God bless the people of Ukraine.

I join the world in awe of true heroes: the courageous Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the brave Ukrainian soldiers, the citizen armies, the mothers cradling frightened children, and the journalists risking their lives to bring us truth.

The debt crisis threatens our national and economic security.

Senator Romney joined his colleagues in taking a hard stance against Russia’s aggression and predation in Ukraine. He also warned about another threat to our national and economic security: the impending insolvency of the federal trust funds and our country’s burgeoning national debt.

Celebrating Utah’s Olympic legacy.

Senator Romney discussed critical paths forward on implementing the bipartisan infrastructure bill—ensuring it will be implemented as Congress intended. The Senator also joined 2002 Olympic Committee leadership and alumni, Olympians, families, and Utahns in commemorating 20 years since the Winter Games in Salt Lake.

China is closely watching our response in Ukraine.

Senator Romney continued advocating for foreign policy positions that promote America’s interests abroad—including a unified response with our allies toward Russia’s aggression in Ukraine and a diplomatic boycott of the Beijing Games amid China’s egregious human rights abuses.

President Biden has had 52 weeks of bad weeks.

Senator Romney joined his colleagues in voting against Democrats’ partisan elections reform, and applauded the courage of his Democratic colleagues, Senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema, for voting to maintain the filibuster.

Senator Romney’s 2021 in photos 📸

In 2021, Senator Romney was also able to make great strides in passing a bipartisan infrastructure bill and bringing awareness to the rising China threat and advancing Utah priorities in Washington.

Wrapping up 2021.

“Despite this somewhat somber backdrop this year, I was honored to serve the people of Utah by introducing and passing several bills that will make a positive difference.”

Wishing you a Merry Christmas

This year, we’ve witnessed tragedies around the world and faced tremendous difficulties here at home. May we all find comfort and peace in the acts of service—both large and small—that we witness during this season, and throughout the year.