Jessica Barone


COVID-19 relief update

As Congress continued discussions on the next phase of COVID-19 relief measures, Senator Romney introduced two standalone relief measures to help Utahns in need of

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Update on COVID-19 relief package

This week, Senate Republicans introduced the HEALS Act—a package of COVID-19 relief bills that includes economic and health proposals. The package includes Senator Romney’s bipartisan

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CARES 2 Update

As the Senate continued discussions on additional coronavirus relief, Senator Romney outlined the five key components he believes should be included in the CARES 2

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A note from Senator Romney.

This past weekend, I joined a large group of faith leaders marching in our nation’s capital to affirm the principle that black lives matter and

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A message from Senator Romney.

The death of George Floyd has sparked nationwide conversations – necessary and uncomfortable conversations – about systemic racism and the urgent challenges it poses for

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Weekly Recap (May 11 – May 15, 2020)

As Congress continues discussions on potential additional coronavirus measures, Senator Romney participated in a Senate health committee hearing on the federal government’s COVID-19 response efforts,

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