Dilan Maxfield


We must not abandon the filibuster.

Senator Romney continued to prioritize listening to Utahns and advancing efforts that meet their needs. He met with several groups and leaders from Utah to discuss key issues related to our state’s economic vitality and climate resilience, and raised concerns about the crisis at the southern border with Administration officials.

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October in photos

While Washington Democrats frantically negotiated their unpopular social spending bill, Senator Romney continued to meet with Utahns to discuss how the bipartisan infrastructure bill, currently being held hostage in House, would benefit our state.

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📸: 12 photos from Senator Romney’s summer in Utah

While helping to craft the bipartisan infrastructure bill this summer, Senator Romney returned home to Utah on several occasions to meet with community leaders, local chambers of commerce, and representatives from various industries to discuss the infrastructure needs of our state.

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An update from Senator Romney.

“Yesterday, the world witnessed horrific terrorist attacks outside of the Kabul airport in Afghanistan. My heart breaks for the U.S. servicemembers who were killed and wounded in the explosion, and the innocent Afghan lives that were lost.

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Senate passes historic bipartisan infrastructure bill.

The Senate passed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act with a large bipartisan majority. For decades, elected officials of both parties have talked about addressing our nation’s aging infrastructure. This bipartisan infrastructure bill finally turns that talk into reality.

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An update on infrastructure.

Senator Romney and his colleagues introduced the legislative text of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, bipartisan infrastructure bill that the Senator helped negotiate with Republicans, Democrats, and the White House.

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Bipartisan infrastructure bill approaches the finish line.

Several months ago, a group of five Republicans and five Democrats came together to see if we could find common ground on a true infrastructure bill. Yesterday evening, 67 senators voted to advance our bipartisan infrastructure bill, now known as the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, through the Senate.

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