Dilan Maxfield


Romney: Health Officials Are Scientists, Not Politicians

During a health committee hearing, Senator Romney highlighted the important role scientists play in the fight against COVID, pressed health officials on the Administration’s failure to build testing capacity, and requested data-driven guidance for the American people on when they should be getting tested.

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Wrapping up 2021.

“Despite this somewhat somber backdrop this year, I was honored to serve the people of Utah by introducing and passing several bills that will make a positive difference.”

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Wishing you a Merry Christmas

This year, we’ve witnessed tragedies around the world and faced tremendous difficulties here at home. May we all find comfort and peace in the acts of service—both large and small—that we witness during this season, and throughout the year.

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From my family to yours: Happy Thanksgiving!

“Our freedoms, values, and quality of life–protected courageously by our own men and women in uniform–are unparalleled. We are immensely fortunate to live in America, especially today. It is my sincere prayer that individuals and families across Utah and the country find joy in gratitude this holiday season. From my family to yours: Happy Thanksgiving!”

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Historic infrastructure investment is heading to Utah!

“Yesterday, the President signed our bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act into law! I am proud to have helped negotiate this legislation, which includes historic investments to rebuild our nation’s crumbling physical infrastructure.”

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