Dilan Maxfield


Celebrating Utah’s Olympic legacy.

Senator Romney discussed critical paths forward on implementing the bipartisan infrastructure bill—ensuring it will be implemented as Congress intended. The Senator also joined 2002 Olympic Committee leadership and alumni, Olympians, families, and Utahns in commemorating 20 years since the Winter Games in Salt Lake.

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Romney Visits Nucor Steel in Plymouth

Senator Romney toured Nucor Steel in Plymouth to see their operations, learn more about NUCOR’s sustainability practices, and discuss Utah’s pro-business policies, U.S. competition with China, and implementation of the bipartisan infrastructure bill.

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China is closely watching our response in Ukraine.

Senator Romney continued advocating for foreign policy positions that promote America’s interests abroad—including a unified response with our allies toward Russia’s aggression in Ukraine and a diplomatic boycott of the Beijing Games amid China’s egregious human rights abuses.

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