Dilan Maxfield


It’s in our best interest for Ukraine to defeat Russia.

Senator Romney continued to press the Administration to take immediate steps to remedy the baby formula crisis. He also remained a strong advocate for sending additional military and humanitarian aid to Ukraine to help them combat the brutal Russian invasion, ending the week by helping pass a $40 billion Ukraine funding bill.

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The baby formula shortage is a national crisis.

Senator Romney took the FDA and USDA to task for the agencies’ complete inaction on addressing the baby formula crisis—sending a letter to the Administration urging them to take immediate action to address the formula shortage and implement steps to prevent future threats to infant health.

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The Administration is failing to secure our border.

Senator Romney pressed Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas about the Administration’s failures during a committee hearing this week and urged them to reconsider their policies. The Senator also continued to advocate for getting our country’s fiscal house in order and met with several groups of Utahns in Washington.

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President Biden’s actions have worsened inflation.

With inflation reaching 8.5% nationally and 10.4% in Utah, many Americans are having a hard time making ends meet. Senator Romney started the week by writing an opinion in the Wall Street Journal that urged President Biden to shift his focus from progressive wish-list projects to serious issues facing Americans, like tackling historic inflation.

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Russia’s war crimes in Ukraine are abominable.

Senator Romney led a bipartisan group of his colleagues in negotiating a COVID-19 preparedness bill that repurposes unused pandemic relief funds and wouldn’t cost the American taxpayer a single additional dollar. Ultimately, this bipartisan COVID bill was hampered by Senate Democrat leadership who refused to allow for any type of amendment process.

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Romney Announces Deal on COVID Funding

Senator Romney announced an agreement on a deal to provide $10 billion in funding for urgent COVID needs and therapeutics by repurposing unspent COVID funds primarily from the Democrats’ American Rescue Plan.

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We must get our federal debt under control.

Senator Romney led the Republican effort in the Senate in negotiating a bipartisan COVID-19 preparedness bill that doesn’t increase the debt by repurposing unspent COVID relief funds. Amid the negotiations, Senator Romney warned the Biden Administration of the imminent damage to the economy by ignoring the increasing deficit.

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