Dilan Maxfield


Passing the national debt on to our grandchildren is immoral.

Senator Romney called on his colleagues to take a more effective approach that prioritizes investments which can lower emissions not only in the U.S., but in worse polluting countries like China. He also urged both parties to come together to work toward balancing the budget, applauded a major investment in Utah made possible by a China competition bill he supported, and met with several stakeholders from our state.

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Romney Applauds Largest Economic Investment in Utah History

Senator Romney applauded an announcement by Texas Instruments Incorporated (TI) that it has selected Lehi, Utah, for its next 300-millimeter semiconductor wafer fabrication plant (or fab). This landmark $11 billion investment marks the largest economic investment in Utah history, and was made possible by the passage of the Romney-backed CHIPS and Science Act.

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We need a comprehensive China strategy.

Amid heightened tensions with China this week, Senator Romney continued to urge the Administration to develop a comprehensive China strategy, introduced legislation to end the unfair advantages China receives on the global stage, and pushed for American independence on critical mineral production.

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China’s charm offensive is a Potemkin village.

With the Senate finding its footing in the new Congress, Senator Romney worked to advance several important priorities for Utah and our national security, including strengthening our domestic copper production; opposing federal overreach on Utahns’ water rights; and calling on the Biden Administration to respond appropriately to China’s recent provocations toward the United States.

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