Dilan Maxfield


The CCP must not be able to access our data.

Senator Romney continued efforts to address the needs of Utah and the country. He joined Congressman Curtis and other colleagues in reintroducing bipartisan legislation to support wildfire recovery efforts, saw momentum on his legislation to address threats posed by Chinese-owned technologies like TikTok, and met with stakeholders from Utah for conversations on supporting our state’s economy.

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Utah’s own lobster rolls in Washington! 🦞

Senator Romney grilled a Biden Administration official on the President’s recently proposed budget that ignores the real threats to Social Security. He also helped reintroduce bipartisan legislation to develop a strategy in the Black Sea, where a Russian fighter jet recently hit a U.S. drone, and supported a resolution opposing a new Biden rule limiting Americans’ Second Amendment rights. He finished his week in Washington serving his colleagues a Utah favorite: Freshie’s lobster rolls from Park City.

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Romney, Colleagues Seek Information from Stakeholders on the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act Reauthorization

Senator Romney, member of the Senate HELP Committee, today joined Senators Cassidy, M.D. (R-LA) and Sanders (I-VT), Ranking Member and Chair of the HELP Committee respectively, in requesting input from public health officials, health care providers, and other stakeholders on policies the Committee should consider during the reauthorization of the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act (PAHPA).

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It’s in America’s interests to support Ukraine.

Senator Romney helped introduce bipartisan legislation to address the threat foreign technologies like TikTok pose to our national security, called for continued support for Ukraine’s military effort against Russia, and met with cybersecurity professionals to discuss Putin’s extensive cyberattacks.

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Romney Statement on President Biden’s Budget

President Biden’s proposed budget is designed to satisfy his base, not to actually become law. Raising corporate taxes would cause companies and good jobs to leave America, as they have in the past. Rather than aggressively beefing up the number of border agents and drug enforcement personnel to counter the fentanyl crisis, he balloons the number of IRS agents.

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