Dilan Maxfield


Honoring our law enforcement officers.

Senator Romney joined his colleagues in recognizing the immense sacrifices of our law enforcement; called on the U.S. to refocus its policy approach toward Russia; and met with stakeholders from across Utah to discuss issues like banking, tourism, and public transit. He also worked with his Utah Congressional Delegation colleagues in introducing legislation to better support our state’s national defense capabilities.

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Utah Congressional Delegation Introduces Legislation to Support Utah’s Dugway Proving Ground

Senators Romney and Lee (R-UT), with Representatives Stewart (R-UT), Curtis (R-UT), Owens (R-UT), and Moore (R-UT) introduced the Chemical and Biological Defense Program Improvement Act, legislation to remove a bureaucratic roadblock that prevents the U.S. Army from requesting funding for military construction projects related to chem-bio program facilities like those at Utah’s Dugway Proving Ground.

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University of Utah Research Park Act Passes Committee

Senator Romney and Lee’s University of Utah Research Park Act passed the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee on a unanimous vote. This bill would preserve the University of Utah’s nearly 600-acre research park and avoid possible action by the Bureau of Land Management to repurpose the land. Research Park is a center for research and development serving both the University and the local workforce.

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Romney Joins Colleagues in Commemorating National Police Week

The U.S. Senate yesterday unanimously adopted a resolution marking National Police Week and reiterating support for the men and women in law enforcement. U.S. Senator Romney co-sponsored the bipartisan resolution, led by Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Graham (R-SC) and Chair Durbin (D-IL), with 76 of his Senate colleagues.

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Romney: We Must Stop Putin from Rebuilding the Old Soviet Union

At a Foreign Relations Committee hearing to discuss what comes next for U.S. policy towards Russia, Senator Romney recalled the success of our Soviet Union strategy and asked the witnesses to detail potential pressure points for Russia and Putin. Romney argued that we must then apply more effort to those pressure points should the U.S., in lockstep with our allies, be successful at preventing Putin’s goal of re-establishing the old Soviet Union.

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Romney Joins Colleagues in Demanding BLM to Withdraw Public Lands Rule

Senator Romney joined a group of colleagues, led by Senators Hoeven (R-ND) and Daines (R-MT), in pressing the Bureau of Land Management to withdraw its proposed Public Lands Rule. The senators stressed the negative impact the proposal would have on western states, as the rule would undermine the multiple use requirements established by Congress and lock away taxpayer-owned lands from activities that are essential to local economies, including grazing, energy development, and tourism.

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Biden has failed to secure our border.

Last night, Title 42—which allowed the Department of Homeland Security to expel illegal immigrants who have no lawful basis for staying in the country—expired. Senator Romney led several of his Republican colleagues in urging the Biden Administration to complete the border wall, which would help get the national security and humanitarian crisis at the southern border under control—something the Administration has failed to do to date.

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We need to come together to solve our debt crisis.

The national debt continues to grow at an alarming rate, which poses significant risks to our country’s economic stability and national security, and could jeopardize our ability to make due on programs like Medicare and Social Security. Solving the debt crisis has long been a priority of Senator Romney, and this week he called on his colleagues to move past partisanship and toward compromise.

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Romney Joins Colleagues in Reintroducing College Transparency Act

Senator Romney joined his colleagues in reintroducing the College Transparency Act (CTA), legislation which ensures that students and families have better information as they consider higher education opportunities. The CTA would modernize the college reporting system for postsecondary data by providing accurate reporting on student outcomes such as enrollment, completion, and post-college earnings across colleges and majors, while ensuring the privacy of individual students is securely protected.

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