Dilan Maxfield


Romney, Barrasso, Lummis, Lee Urge BLM to Withdraw Outrageous Land Grab Proposal in Wyoming

Senators Romney (R-UT), Barrasso (R-WY), Lummis (R-WY), and Lee (R-UT) sent a letter urging the Bureau of Land Management to immediately withdraw its misguided Rock Springs Draft Resource Management Plan. The proposal ignores more than a decade’s worth of local input and would reduce the land to single use. If enforced, it will inevitably end grazing, critical transmission line improvements, and gas production that powers the region.

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Romney Visits Israel to Affirm U.S. Support

Senator Romney joined a bipartisan delegation of senators on an official visit to Israel this weekend following the unconscionable terrorist attacks by Hamas on Israeli civilians. The delegation met with top Israeli government officials and spent time with families of American-Israeli hostages held by Hamas.

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Prioritizing America’s national security interests.

There is no doubt that authoritarianism is on the rise around the world—which poses a great threat to global freedom and our national security. This week, Senator Romney leveraged his Senate Foreign Relations Committee assignments to advance priorities on countering threats posed by the authoritarian regimes in countries like China, Russia, and North Korea. He also met with a prominent conservancy group in Utah to discuss collaborative efforts to save the shrinking Great Salt Lake.

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Romney Joins Effort Opposing Biden FCC’s Internet Takeover

Senator Romney joined more than 40 of his colleagues, including every member of the Senate Republican leadership team, in urging Federal Communications Commission Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel to abandon her proposal to reinstate the failed, heavy-handed Obama-era regulations on the internet. In their letter, the senators note that following the repeal of the Obama-era rules in 2017, all of the Democrats’ fear mongering claims—most notably that Americans would get the internet one word at a time—were debunked and proven to be completely false.

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A government shutdown would hurt our country.

As the Senate continues its effort to avert a government shutdown, Senator Romney worked to advance an essential priority for Utah: modernizing our approach to managing and mitigating wildfires. Additionally, Senator Romney met with Governor Cox to discuss their shared priorities for the Beehive State and his resolution reinstating the chamber’s business attire dress code unanimously passed the Senate.

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