Dilan Maxfield


Honoring our nation’s veterans.

“I’ve consistently found myself heartened and inspired to associate with these patriotic heroes. To all veterans, thank you not only for your military service to our country, but for your continued service to your families and communities. Utah is what it is—the best state in which to live, work, and raise a family—because of you.”

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Romney, Manchin Lead Colleagues in Proposing a Commission to Strengthen America’s Fiscal Health and Stabilize our Debt

Senators Romney and Manchin (D-WV) led their colleagues in introducing the Fiscal Stability Act, a bipartisan solution to strengthen America’s fiscal health and stabilize our nation’s finances for future generations. The legislation would create a bicameral fiscal commission tasked with finding legislative solutions to stabilize and decrease our national debt.

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America must remain the leader of the free world.

America has long been considered the leader of the free world—a role that requires continued commitment to supporting democracy, countering authoritarianism, and promoting freedom globally. The U.S. must not waver in this resolve, especially as countries like China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea have garnered greater geopolitical influence amid attacks on democratic nations. We are a safer, and more prosperous, nation when we lead from a position of strength. This week, Senator Romney continued to push for aid to Ukraine and Israel, made efforts to counter antisemitism on American college campuses, and pressed the Biden Administration on their complete failure at the southern border.

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Romney, Colleagues Warn New Permitting Rule Adds Red Tape and Imperils America’s Mineral Needs

Senator Romney joined Senator Sullivan (R-AK) and 20 of their Senate colleagues in sending a letter to the executive director of the Federal Permitting Improvement Steering Council demanding the Council rescind its proposal to limit the type of mining projects eligible for the improved permitting process established under Title 41 of the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act.

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Romney, Colleagues Urge Education Committee Chairman to Hold Hearing on Antisemitism on College Campuses

Senator Romney joined Senator Cassidy (R-LA), Ranking Member of the Senate Health, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee, and several of his Republican HELP colleagues in urging Senator Sanders, HELP Committee Chairman, to hold a hearing to ensure the Administration is upholding its legal responsibility to protect Jewish students from anti-Semitic harassment and attacks on college campuses in the aftermath of the Hamas-led terrorist attacks against Israel earlier this month.

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Romney Presses DHS Secretary on Border Security & Questions FBI Director on Rise of Antisemitic Violence

At the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee’s annual “Threats to the Homeland” hearing today, Senator Romney pressed DHS Secretary Mayorkas on the Administration’s continued failure to secure the southern border and questioned FBI Director Christopher Wray about increased threats and violence against religious groups—particularly against Jews and Muslims.

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Moving forward on Utah priorities.

Senator Romney helped move forward important priorities for the Beehive State—including a program to bolster Utah’s critical mineral production, as well as an effort to support Utah’s conservation efforts amid federal government overreach. He also met with housing leaders to discuss solutions to increase access to affordable housing in Utah.

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Romney Applauds Federal Investment in Utah’s Critical Minerals Manufacturing

Senator Romney applauded an announcement by the U.S. Economic Development Administration that it would invest in Utah’s critical mineral production and manufacturing industry. The announcement comes after Romney advocated on behalf of the Intermountain Critical Materials Consortium, a collaborative group of industry partners led by the Utah Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Initiative, which is developing a regional strategy to advance the production and manufacturing of critical minerals needed for clean energy technologies, many of which lack any domestic production presence.

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The U.S. stands firmly with the people of Israel.

As the people of Israel have been brutally attacked by Hamas, the Iran-backed terrorist regime, Senator Romney has worked tirelessly to affirm the United States’ role in standing with Israel and protecting free democracies around the world. Following a bipartisan trip to Israel this weekend, the Senator cosponsored legislation to condemn Hamas, underscored the need for Israel to eliminate Hamas with the nominee to be U.S. Ambassador to Israel, and met with officials from Tibet on supporting Tibetans’ basic rights amid the CCP’s oppression.

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Romney Cosponsors Legislation to Remove Hurdles to Clean Up Abandoned Hardrock Mines

Senator Romney joined Senators Heinrich (D-NM) and Risch (R-ID) as a cosponsor of the bipartisan Good Samaritan Remediation of Abandoned Hardrock Mines Act, bipartisan legislation that would make it easier for “Good Samaritans,” such as state agencies, local governments, nonprofits, and other groups, to clean up and improve water quality in and around abandoned hardrock mines.

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