
Romney Highlights Progress on Top Priorities in 2022 Year in Review Report

Enacted several pieces of legislation to help save the Great Salt Lake, counter the rise of China, and advance key Utah priorities

SALT LAKE CITY—As 2023 begins, U.S. Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) released a report detailing the policy and constituent services highlights from the past year. Major legislative highlights included enactment of Romney bills that amplify the work being done by the State of Utah to save the Great Salt Lake, equip the U.S. to better counter the rise of China, and allow for the completion of the Bonneville Shoreline Trail. The Senator also continued efforts to address the drought and water issues plaguing communities across Utah. The Romney team assisted with more than 1,600 constituent casework claims, responded to more than 81,000 pieces of constituent mail, and met with hundreds of Utahns and businesses throughout the state. Keep reading for a brief recap of 2022’s highlights.

“As 2022 comes to a close, I remain grateful for the opportunity to represent Utahns in Washington and help tackle some of the biggest issues facing our great country. This past year hasn’t been easy for many families—historic inflation is making everyday life more expensive; the COVID-19 pandemic is approaching its third year; illegal immigration is surging; and the devolution of our critical societal institutions seems to make us more divided than ever. Internationally, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s unlawful and unprovoked invasion of Ukraine wages on and the Chinese Communist Party watches the global response closely as they evaluate options with regards to Taiwan.

“China remains our biggest threat as it seeks to become the world’s economic, geopolitical and military superpower. At every level of government, we must remain clear-eyed about the dangers the regime poses as it seeks hegemony. I led legislation that requires the administration to develop a comprehensive China strategy and to analyze how Russia’s Ukraine invasion has impacted China’s options regarding Taiwan. Further, I supported bills that promote innovation, foster scientific talent, expand U.S. research and break our dependence on China for microchips. I also introduced legislation to ensure the United States secures critical mineral resources to enable American industries to be less dependent on China for vital resources.

“Utah plays an important role in our national defense, particularly in the modernization of our nuclear deterrent systems. This year, I fought against budget cuts for Dugway Proving Ground to ensure it received necessary funding. I also supported our annual defense bill, which fully funded the F-35 program and provided $3.6 billion for Sentinel—formerly called the Ground Based Strategic Deterrent—based out of Hill Air Force Base.

“Climate change remains a top area of concern for me as drought and water issues have plagued our state this year. I was proud that two of my bills amplifying the work being done by our state Legislature and governor to save the Great Salt Lake were signed into law. The Navajo Utah Water Rights Settlement was also implemented this year, bringing running water to the 40% of Navajo Nation in Utah who lack it. This settlement became a reality with last year’s bipartisan infrastructure bill.

“I was proud to see our legislation allowing for the completion of the Bonneville Shoreline Trail enacted into law, along with a measure to help bring a passport agency to Salt Lake City. This year, the team in my Utah offices was also able to assist more than 1,600 constituents with casework claims, helping Utahns navigate the federal bureaucracy for passport services, veterans’ benefits, and much more. In the new Congress, we will continue to fight for priorities that are critically important to our citizens.

“It is an honor to serve the people of our state. If you have suggestions and counsel for me, please do not hesitate to write or email me at my website. I wish you and your family the very best for a healthy, safe 2023.”

The full 2022 Year in Review report can be found here.