
Romney Delivers Update on the Senate Relief Package

WASHINGTON—U.S. Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) today delivered an update from the U.S. Capitol regarding the status of the Senate’s efforts to provide economic relief to families, workers, and small businesses.

Excerpts of his remarks can be found below.

“I’m pleased with the process we’ve seen so far. Leader McConnell has put together task forces that have put together legislative proposals. They are now working in negotiations with the Democrats to see if we can’t find a way to move forward. That consists of three major parts. One part is getting help to individuals and families. The other part is getting help to small businesses in an employee retention program—helping small businesses keep their employees. The other is employee retention in large businesses. So those are the three parts: employee retention is the heart of it, as well as help to individual families. I think that you’re seeing the kind of speed and seriousness which you’d hope to see in the kind of setting that we have.”