
Senator Romney’s Statement Regarding Iran’s Attack Against U.S. Drone

SALT LAKE CITY—U.S. Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) today released the following statement regarding Iran’s attack against a U.S. drone:

“For the past several months, Iran has taken a number of increasingly provocative actions, including its proxy attacks on an oil pipeline, on several ships in the Persian Gulf, and now with the takedown of a U.S. drone. 

“Such behavior cannot go unanswered, and a failure to respond would only invite further provocation. Any response by the U.S. must be meticulously considered and executed, and it ideally should be made in coordination with our allies and friends in the region.

“The President’s decision to delay the strike was appropriate and allows for us to collaborate with our allies, fully consider our range of options, and structure a military response that achieves our strategic objective of further deterring Iranian aggression.”